100 min 100 år
You’re looking at 100 min 100 år, a multimedia project made by us Media students at Arcada University of Applied Sciences. Our project is a part of the official Suomi Finland 100 programme. The theme for Finland’s centenary celebration year is ‘Together’, and together we have created something new and here we proudly present our work!
The red thread of the project is a centenarian Finland, but the stories don’t visualise our homeland from a historical perspective. The entirety can rather be seen as a collection of interpretations of present time. We treat current themes through different storytelling formats and themes that are life and a part of the world we live in today.
We have worked with this project within our courses, where students from different programmes are brought together to a joint project. The project is done together but in groups with own responsibilities under supervision within the different programmes; Cinematography & editing, Sound design & Music Production, Concept Design & Scriptwriting, Online media and Producing.
The project started already in spring 2016 and during the following summer some of us worked with research and ideas that were refined through a manuscript process in the autumn. In the beginning of 2017 the big work with the visions started; to transform the text into images and sound as well as actual character roles. Also, the work with the overall concept and all materials around the short films started to achieve biggest possible visibility.
A total of 52 students have taken part in the project, which means we have been able to use a variety of formats – short films, podcasts and vlogs. This enables an interaction between all material and the project therefore gets added value.
We hope you enjoy it.
– It’s common that several programmes work together when doing short films, but the thing that’s special with 100 min 100 years is that also Online Media plays a central role in the project. It’s the Online Media students that have worked with the brand, the marketing on Social media and built the platform 100min100ar.fi. They also have produced podcasts around themes from the films and vlogs that gives insight to the diverse work behind the scenes.
Jutta Törnqvist, lecturer in Online Media
– This has been a fun, giving and instructive project where students have got to take part in and get understanding for the different phases of filmmaking; Pre-production, recording, post production as well as distribution and marketing. Cooperation, communication and creativity are keywords in such projects. In general, it has been a successful project that gives us students good practice to manage upcoming challenges in the professional field.
Hanna Lämsä, production student
– Sometimes it has been hard to keep up the communication, either because people just have forgotten to communicate or there have been misunderstandings. But as there are so many involved in the project it’s understandable that everything is not going perfectly all the time.
Lene Falcken, Online Media student
– We had as objective that the project would be Cultural, artistic and educational. As a Finnish Swedish multimedia project, it is significant and the students have put a lot of creative joy in the project. Educationally I think neither we supervisors nor the students have really understood how much we have learned for future projects.
Robert Nordström, lecturer in Media Culture and initiator of the project
The content of some films is not suitable for children. (12+)